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military ultrasound tech

Military Ultrasound Tech - 1 / 4 Show caption + Hide caption - Soldiers test the Heat Stress Adjudication (HSDA) and Mental Acuity/2B ALERT smartphone app at Camp Bullis, Texas. (Photo credit: Jose Rodriguez) REAL VIEW

2 / 4 Show caption + Hide caption - Lt. Col. Brett Gendron, 65D Emergency Physician Assistant at Brooke Medical Center, tests one of four portable ultrasound devices in a test conducted by the US Medical Test and Evaluation Service. (Photo credit: Jose Rodriguez) REAL VIEW

Military Ultrasound Tech

Military Ultrasound Tech

3 / 4 Show caption + Hide caption - Brooke Medical Center Family Nurse Practitioner Maj. Tara Laramie is a probation officer with the US Medical Examiner's Office. (Photo credit: Jose Rodriguez) REAL VIEW

Parallax Technologies, Inc

4 / 4 Show title + Hide caption - Close-up view of one of the Portable Ultrasound Field Kits. All parts of the system are enclosed in a waterproof protective case. (Photo credit: Jose Rodriguez) REAL VIEW

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - The US Medical Test and Evaluation Service (USAMTEAC) recently had the opportunity to test two medical devices using the latest smartphone technology in collaboration with the United States Medical Materiel Development Agency ( LIMITATION). . Using applications and technologies from mobile devices, the USAMTEAC team tested heat-assisted density (HSDA) and brain imaging with four different ultrasound field portable (USFP) devices. When adopted for use, these systems provide compact size portability, ease of use, and reduced maintenance requirements for distributed medicine. USAMTEAC used the course's test players to provide critical hands-on testing in a real-world environment at two different locations at Camp Bullis, Texas.

HSDA is a mobile scheduling application that is easy to install and access on any mobile device. This application allows unit commanders to assess the risk of heat injury in real time based on environmental factors, activity levels, and personal assets based on algorithms derived from Technical Bulletin 507. HSDA integrates product visualization that provides operational planners and Warfighter forecasts. calculates core temperature and recommended safe working times, water requirements and risk of burns. The app calculates the likelihood of heat injury and illness in training and activities. HSDA's infantry units and mission planners combine a state-of-the-art laboratory model with a six-cylinder thermal model to predict heat illness/injury risk for military personnel. The HSDA diagram shows a functional representation of the data flow that generates the main body and sweat rate results from the four types of inputs received from the end users.

The USFP is a new requirement to fill the military's combat medical care provider capability. This test evaluated the effectiveness and suitability of the USFP service to assist in purchasing decisions. USFP is a rapid, non-invasive, diagnostic tool to detect or manage injuries (eg, internal bleeding, collapsed lungs, musculoskeletal injuries). This tool provides video diagnostics to the role 1 and role 2 area/brigade support platoon at the battalion support station (BAS) to improve the medical provider's ability to diagnose life-threatening injuries and prioritize immediate evacuation. diagnosing minor injuries, providing on-site treatment, and ensuring return to service in long-term field care situations. There were four different USFP devices at the time of testing. Experimenters from different specialties perform tests using USFP on reliable phantoms and dedicated participants, and use a tablet and a cell phone to view ultrasound images.

Usamteac Conduct Tests Utilizing Smart Phones And Tablets

"It's very surprising," said Lt. Col. Brett Gendron, 65D Emergency Physician Assistant at Brooke Medical Center, explains USFP. “They all bring something to the table, and I think this was the easiest one to use. Portability without requiring a large system that requires logistical support is important. "

After the assessment, USAMTEAC will prepare a report detailing the authority to make the decision and review potential acquisitions and jurisdictions. To learn more about USAMTEAC, visit https://medcoe./usamteac.

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